On the approach, TFJ in the background
Snow and some chilly water for Rosco
West Face
Amy and Aaron sitting on the south ridge saddle waiting for the masses ahead of us
Mel and Aaron on the loose 3rd class scramble
Rather large group of climbers ahead of us... We had to wait our turn.
Mel below belaying Aaron and myself on the "crawl" section of the climb
Looking down on Mel and Aaron from the summit
Summit of Three Finger Jack. To the right it's a nearly vertical 1500' drop. The left was probably a more manageable 1000'.
Aaron getting close to the top
Me belaying up Mel on the summit
Summit group shot
View back east of the nearly perfect Black Butte
Mel on the downclimb
Organizing the gear
Playing it safe on one of the last truely exposed part of the route
View to the south of Mt Washington and the Sisters
Mel cleaning all the rocks out of her shoes at the bottom of the mountain.
Mel climbing up the last step to the summit
Cool clouds racing past the summit
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