Makes you feel small

Here's one of the bigger ones we came across...

Can you spot the ditch that's actually registered as a historic site?


Fern Canyon

Whoa... Elk at the beach. What a neat idea!

Some hippies had commandeered a Weyerhaeuser crew bus and defaced it with a "Stumps Don't Lie" sticker... Lame, but par for the course in Arcata!

"Do I have something in my hair?"

Sweet Nissan ad

Lost Rocks region of N. California... Hmmm... How do we get down?

Mel, looking cleaner than usual for day 3 of these trips.

D-d-d- double vision! :)

Back in Oregon... This place was sweet.



Who could resist some beach bouldering in this setting!




Cocktail anyone?

Arch Rock... Cool.
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