Thursday, August 19, 2010

Late Summer Weekendage - 8/14ish/2010

Mel and I decided to emerge from the air conditioned bat cave that we call home this past weekend... It was another hot one, (hopefully the last of the year) so we snuck out to Opal Creek to try to beat the heat. Apparently everyone else in Western Oregon had the same idea, but a slightly different application... We choose to explore a section of the creek that isn't commonly visited in the summer, despite it's absurd beauty. Okay, I'm just going to say it: Opal has to have the clearest water of any creek I've ever seen... It was so clear in fact that it was almost impossible to predict it's depth in places! As we swam along, occasionally I'd reach for the rocks that appeard to be right under the surface, only to find that I couldn't touch bottom even when dunking under and reaching with my toes... Other times, we'd think it was deeper only to find ourselves running aground as we swam along. Awesome, and the best part is that we've got a lot more canyon to explore, but for another time.

Usually the darker color implies deeper. I doubt I could touch bottom here even jumping in...

One of the few spots I dug the camera out... Pain to get it out of the drybag.

More of the creek, pretty low flows right now.

Mother nature kicking some serious ass...

Can you tell how clear the water is?

Mel diggin' on the canyon scenery

Yep, pretty awesome.

More awesome...

Hundereds of people were there to hike and picnic, but we had this part of the creek to ourselves

Totally special... We'll be back for more before the year is out...

Okay, <---that was Saturday, on sunday, I joined party of yayhoos heading up Broken Top as part of some insane Dudley "hyper"-weekend that Catherine had put together to entertain our friend Christine. It was HOTT out, but worth it cause the bugs were down and the views were sweet.

The ship of fools

Broken Top from below the crater... This was my first trip back there since I climbed it years ago with Chris. The first trip was much more "harrowing" and I will confess that the route we choose that time was one of the scariest I have done. This time thankfully we were taking the straightforward route up the Northwest Ridge. :)

Christine finds some snow and promptly attempts a snow angel.

The views rapidly became stunning as we gained the ridge crest

Here's Aaron with some "majesty"

Loose scree scrambling (screeambling?) as we approached the summit

Catherine starting up the one tricky part of the climb

The gals doin' their little turn on the catwalk.

Amy right after the catwalk section (or at least, the first catwalk section)

The team stringing out on the exposed summit catwalk

Again... (Zoom in on this one to get a better feel for it)

Catherine pulling up to the summit (another one worth zooming in on... don't fall here!)

Christine joins the party

Hanging out on the summit while Catherine starts the downclimb

Faith, Hope, and Charity... Aka the Three Sisters

Looking into the crater. This shows the route we took years before.

Reversing the route

Aaron on the diggin the views and making sure we didn't leave anything behind!

Heading down the ridge with most of the difficulties behind

Some clouds rolled in which changed the light some. Couldn't resist another shot

Springs we came across on the way down. Yum!

Pretty much ugly, huh? Actually, it almost looks fake it's so cool.

Another spring, this time w/ Bachlor in the background

Parting shot, Indian Paintbrush, Heather, and Bachlor.

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